Educational project - Instytut Pileckiego


  • Long Night of Museums - Stories of Poles Saving Jews


    Long Night of Museums - Stories of Poles Saving Jews

    We invite you to an evening honoring individuals who chose to put their own and their loved ones’ lives in danger in order to save others.

  • History of the 20th century


    History of the 20th century

    The 20th century was an extremely turbulent period in world and Polish history. During recurring classes, students will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the landmark events of the 20th century in English.

  • Witold’s symbols | grades 1-3


    Witold’s symbols | grades 1-3

    An offer aimed at primary school students to promote patriotic attitudes and knowledge of Polish national symbols.

  • Witold’s symbols | grades 4-6


    Witold’s symbols | grades 4-6

    Classes are held for pupils in grades 4-6 of primary school. During the classes we will discuss the following terms: republic, national symbols, citizen, flag, emblem, national anthem, places of national memory, national holiday.

  • Polish language and history for foreigners


    Polish language and history for foreigners

    The classes are aimed at familiarizing students learning Polish as a foreign language with the most important events in Polish history by practicing language skills at the A1+/A2 level.

  • Destruction of cultural heritage of Ukraine | Debate


    Destruction of cultural heritage of Ukraine | Debate

    Come and join our debate devoted to "Destruction of cultural heritage of Ukraine”. Our guests are Kateryna Busol from National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Andrzej Jakubowski from Polish Academy of Science and Joe Powderly from Leiden University.

  • Apply by June 30 | The Witold Pilecki International Book Award. The Fourth Edition (2024)


    Apply by June 30 | The Witold Pilecki International Book Award. The Fourth Edition (2024)

    The Pilecki Institute and its partner, the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim, have announced a call for entries for the fourth edition of the Witold Pilecki International Book Award.

  • THE FORGERS AND OTHER STORIES | Debate around Roger Moorhouse's book "The Forgers"


    THE FORGERS AND OTHER STORIES | Debate around Roger Moorhouse's book "The Forgers"

    Come and join a discussion about Polish edition of Roger Moorhouse’s book "The Forgers: The Forgotten Story of the Holocaust's Most Audacious Rescue Operation", published by the Pilecki Institute.

  • The commemoration of Stanisław and Marianna Siniarski and their children | Lutkówka


    The commemoration of Stanisław and Marianna Siniarski and their children | Lutkówka

    On March 10, 2024, on the 80th anniversary of the tragic events, the Pilecki Institute, together with local partners in the village of Lutkówka (Żyrardów County), will commemorate the Siniarski and Lipszyc families, murdered by the Germans during World War

  • 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide | CONFERENCE


    75th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide | CONFERENCE

    To mark the 75th anniversary of the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, we would like to extend an invitation to a conference

  • The Witold Pilecki International Book Award 2023 presented!


    The Witold Pilecki International Book Award 2023 presented!

    The winners of this year’s Witold Pilecki International Book Award are Agnieszka Witkowska-Krych, Bartłomiej Noszczak and Zbigniew Parafianowicz. The statuettes, awards and honorable mentions were presented during a gala in Ujazdów Castle.

  • Conference commemorating the 80th anniversary of the United Nations War Crimes Commission


    Conference commemorating the 80th anniversary of the United Nations War Crimes Commission


  • Open day at the Pilecki Institute’s new “DeBek” gallery | Workshops, meetings and the opening of the exhibition “The Choice to Save Lives”


    Open day at the Pilecki Institute’s new “DeBek” gallery | Workshops, meetings and the opening of the exhibition “The Choice to Save Lives”

    On Saturday, 14 October 2023, we would like to invite you to “DeBek” – the new gallery of the Pilecki Institute located at Krakowskie Przedmieście Street in Warsaw. Numerous attractions await the visitors of the premiere exhibition “The Choice to Save Live

  • Nominations for the third edition of the Witold Pilecki International Book Award


    Nominations for the third edition of the Witold Pilecki International Book Award

    We know the authors nominated for the Witold Pilecki International Book Award! The Award Committee has selected 15 publications to compete in 3 different categories.

  • The United Nations War Crimes Commission – history of the institution, archival resources, research potential | Workshop


    The United Nations War Crimes Commission – history of the institution, archival resources, research potential | Workshop

    Center for Totalitarian Studies at the Pilecki Institute invites for the workshop: The United Nations War Crimes Commission – history of the institution, archival resources, research potential with prof. Daniel Plesch (SOAS, University of London).

  • Apply by May 31 | The Witold Pilecki International Book Award. The third edition (2023)


    Apply by May 31 | The Witold Pilecki International Book Award. The third edition (2023)

    The Pilecki Institute and its partner, the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim, have announced a call for entries for the third edition of the Witold Pilecki International Book Award.

  • Russia’s War of Aggression Against Ukraine. Challenges of Documenting and Prosecuting War Crimes | International Conference


    Russia’s War of Aggression Against Ukraine. Challenges of Documenting and Prosecuting War Crimes | International Conference

    Join us and an impressive line-up to reflect on Russia's Invasion of Ukraine and its implications for international law.

  • Conference Russia’s War of Aggression Against Ukraine. Challenges of Documenting and Prosecuting War Crimes


    Conference Russia’s War of Aggression Against Ukraine. Challenges of Documenting and Prosecuting War Crimes

    The first day of the international conference 'Russia's War of Aggression Against Ukraine. Challenges of Documenting and Prosecuting War Crimes'.

  • From 6 January, Aberdeen City Libraries in Scotland will host our "Passports For Life" exhibition


    From 6 January, Aberdeen City Libraries in Scotland will host our "Passports For Life" exhibition

    From 6 January, Aberdeen City Libraries in Scotland will host our "Passports For Life" exhibition.

  • The Genocidal Crimes of Imperialist Regimes. From the Second World War to Ukraine | 8–9 December 2022, Warsaw


    The Genocidal Crimes of Imperialist Regimes. From the Second World War to Ukraine | 8–9 December 2022, Warsaw

    International academic conference | The Genocidal Crimes of Imperialist Regimes. From the Second World War to Ukraine | Project summary | 8–9 December 2022, Warsaw

  • Commemoration of Michał Stasiuk murdered for helping Jews during the German occupation | 29th of November


    Commemoration of Michał Stasiuk murdered for helping Jews during the German occupation | 29th of November

    On November 29, 2022, together with the residents and authorities of Rzeszów, we will commemorate Michał Stasiuk, who was murdered for helping Jews during the German occupation.

  • Make peace, not war: Reporting from the Front Lines | Pilecki Institute Masterclass


    Make peace, not war: Reporting from the Front Lines | Pilecki Institute Masterclass

    The Pilecki Institute Masterclass is a series of two-day specialist in-person workshops for humanities students in Poland with war correspondents.

  • The Witold Pilecki International Book Award 2022. The awards ceremony


    The Witold Pilecki International Book Award 2022. The awards ceremony

    We now know the winners of the Witold Pilecki International Book Award! The Awards Committee has selected three winners and awarded six honorable mentions in recognition of the remarkably high standards demonstrated by this year’s nominees.

  • Totalitarianism Across History and Disciplines | conference


    Totalitarianism Across History and Disciplines | conference

    The conference will take place at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Georgia, on 15-16 November 2022

  • The Stance of the Polish Intelligentsia Towards the Totalitarian Regimes: Resistance and Compromise


    The Stance of the Polish Intelligentsia Towards the Totalitarian Regimes: Resistance and Compromise

    The Pilecki Institute’s Center for Totalitarian Studies invites you to participate in the international scholarly conference, which will take place on 9–10 November 2022. The deadline for applications is 30 September!

  • Youth Movements and Daily Life in Communist Poland and the Soviet Union


    Youth Movements and Daily Life in Communist Poland and the Soviet Union

    In this debate we will discuss the realities of everyday life in Communist Poland and the Soviet Union, particularly from the point of view of youth, underground culture, and culture at the margins of socialist society.

  • Nominations for the second edition of the Witold Pilecki International Book Award


    Nominations for the second edition of the Witold Pilecki International Book Award

    We know the authors nominated for the Witold Pilecki International Book Award! The Award Committee has selected 15 publications to compete in 3 different categories.

  • THE LIBERATED | a theatrical play


    THE LIBERATED | a theatrical play

    “The Liberated” is a new theater performance developed by the Pilecki Institute to commemorate the 83rd anniversary of the military aggression of the USSR against Poland.

  • WAR AND MEMORY | performative reading of war testimonies from Ukraine


    WAR AND MEMORY | performative reading of war testimonies from Ukraine

    On Tuesday 23 August 2022 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, we held the second performative reading of testimonies of Ukrainian witnesses gathered by the Lemkin Center.

  • Congress: Doomed to repeat? Challenges of teaching 20th-century history (2-3 August)


    Congress: Doomed to repeat? Challenges of teaching 20th-century history (2-3 August)

    Today we concluded the two-day international congress "Doomed to repeat? Challenges of teaching 20th-century history" for teachers and educators!

  • Apply by July 17 | The Witold Pilecki International Book Award. The second edition (2022)


    Apply by July 17 | The Witold Pilecki International Book Award. The second edition (2022)

    The Pilecki Institute and its partner, the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim, have announced a call for entries for the second edition of the Witold Pilecki International Book Award.

  • Russkij mir, Lebensraum, Denazification of Ukraine and Other Excuses: Totalitarian Propaganda in the Contemporary Context


    Russkij mir, Lebensraum, Denazification of Ukraine and Other Excuses: Totalitarian Propaganda in the Contemporary Context

    Listen to a brilliant discussion on the totalitarian propaganda in the contemporary context.

  • Unheard Voices: Women & Children under German occupation in Poland


    Unheard Voices: Women & Children under German occupation in Poland

    Listen to a fascinating discussion on the experience of women and children under German occupation in Poland during the Second World War, more specifically in Concentration Camps like Auschwitz and Forced Labour Camps in Germany.

  • Raphael Lemkin, Genocide & the Soviet Russia. The Ukrainian Case


    Raphael Lemkin, Genocide & the Soviet Russia. The Ukrainian Case

    Don’t miss the unique chance to listen online to a fascinating discussion on current and past events for our Graduate Academy! We will be discussing the atrocities committed by the Soviets during the interwar period as well as during the Second World War.

  • Exhibiting Human Suffering and War: The Challenges Museums Face Today


    Exhibiting Human Suffering and War: The Challenges Museums Face Today

    Museums face challenges every day, from the story they want to tell, to being accessible to the wider audience. A fascinating discussion between three Museum directors with years of historical knowledge!

  • The war in Ukraine – the Pilecki Institute’s debate


    The war in Ukraine – the Pilecki Institute’s debate

    Russia’s invasion brings war to Europe on a scale unknown to us since WWII. We invite you to listen to the expert discussion on the situation in Ukraine.

  • Poland as a Playground of Cold War Struggles 1981-1989


    Poland as a Playground of Cold War Struggles 1981-1989

    Don’t miss the chance to listen to a fascinating discussion on the 40th anniversary of imposing martial law in Poland! The discussion will deal with the general context of the 1980s in an international context of politics with Poland as the main focus.

  • Ordinary Germans or Ordinary Men?


    Ordinary Germans or Ordinary Men?

    Don’t miss the unique chance to listen online to a fascinating discussion with Dr Jochen Böhler, Roger Moorhouse and Alina Nowobilska, on that crucial question that regularly haunts academics!

  • The awards ceremony of the first edition of the Witold Pilecki International Book Award


    The awards ceremony of the first edition of the Witold Pilecki International Book Award

    The awards ceremony of the first edition of the Witold Pilecki International Book Award was held on 17 November 2021.

  • Death and birth of the (new) Polish intelligentsia | call for papers


    Death and birth of the (new) Polish intelligentsia | call for papers

    The Pilecki Institute’s Center for Totalitarian Studies invites you to participate in the International Academic Conference “Death and birth of the (new) Polish intelligentsia”. The deadline for applications is 16 August 2021.

  • Death and birth of the (new) Polish intelligentsia


    Death and birth of the (new) Polish intelligentsia

    The resettlement of the elites, the extermination of officers, and the rise of the "new" intelligentsia under Soviet auspices; these are some of the issues that will be discussed during the conference "Death and birth of the (new) Polish intelligentsia".

  • 1956 De-stalinization; Before and After


    1956 De-stalinization; Before and After

    Was it a turning point in the Cold War? What events during the 1956 had an impact on course of the world history? What was the meaning of the Hungarian Revolution? Join us online for a unique chance to listen to a brilliant discussion on the year 1956.

  • Did they risk their lives? Diplomats as Righteous Among the Nations | debate


    Did they risk their lives? Diplomats as Righteous Among the Nations | debate

    When considering the actions of diplomats during the Holocaust, should we use the same criteria that are applied to other rescuers? The debate will begin with a lecture by E. Saul, who's spent years researching the involvement of diplomats in aiding Jews.

  • The choice to save lives: diplomatic rescue during the Holocaust | call for papers


    The choice to save lives: diplomatic rescue during the Holocaust | call for papers

    We invite scholars focused on the history of the Second World War – especially researchers of the history of diplomacy, mass migrations and the attitudes of national governments and societies in the face of the Holocaust – to take part in the conference.

  • The Choice to Save Lives: Diplomatic Rescue During the Holocaust | conference


    The Choice to Save Lives: Diplomatic Rescue During the Holocaust | conference

    The Pilecki Institute has the pleasure to invite you to an international academic conference “The Choice to Save Lives: Diplomatic Rescue During the Holocaust”, which will be held on 19-21 October in Warsaw as part of celebration of the Year of the Ładoś.

  • Nominations for the Witold Pilecki International Book Award


    Nominations for the Witold Pilecki International Book Award

    We now know the authors nominated for the Witold Pilecki International Book Award! The Award Committee has selected 15 publications to compete for cash prizes of 75,000 złoty and commemorative statuettes in 3 different categories.

  • “Lemkin. Witness to the Age of Genocide” in Bochum


    “Lemkin. Witness to the Age of Genocide” in Bochum

    Pilecki-Institut and the Fritz Bauer Forum opened the exhibition in Bochum, Germany. The exposition presents a close-up of the renowned lawyer Rafał Lemkin, who founded the legal concept of “genocide”.

  • Facing Evil: The Aftermath of the Second World War


    Facing Evil: The Aftermath of the Second World War

    Join us online for a unique chance to listen to a brilliant discussion on the aftermath of the Second World War and the consequences that were awaiting Poland and Central Eastern Europe.

  • 120th anniversary of the birth of Witold Pilecki


    120th anniversary of the birth of Witold Pilecki

    This year is the 120th anniversary of the birth of Witold Pilecki - we have joined PKP Intercity to start a special project prepared in honor of our patron.

  • Information concerning the 5th issue of the "Totalitarian and 20th Century Studies" yearbook


    Information concerning the 5th issue of the "Totalitarian and 20th Century Studies" yearbook

    The editors of the “Totalitarian and 20th Century Studies” yearbook invite you to submit articles in Polish or English. The deadline for applications is 30 July 2021.

  • ЖЫВЕ БЕЛАРУСЬ/Belarus Lebt! | the exhibition at the Berlin branch of the Pilecki Institute


    ЖЫВЕ БЕЛАРУСЬ/Belarus Lebt! | the exhibition at the Berlin branch of the Pilecki Institute

    The exhibition includes works by 20 artists and a host of anonymous residents of Minsk. These include photographs and video material, sketches and posters, many of which were created while the artists sat in detention centers.

  • Pilecki Institute International Teachers and Educators Program | call for participants


    Pilecki Institute International Teachers and Educators Program | call for participants

    Have you ever reflected on the nature of evil? Do you wonder what leads people to become involved in resistance to totalitarian regimes? Do you want to engage your students in debate about the most important events of the 20th century?

  • World War II: Witnesses and Memory | Part 3: Memory Wars


    World War II: Witnesses and Memory | Part 3: Memory Wars

    The third and last instalment of the “World War II: Witnesses and Memory” series organized jointly by the Pilecki Institute and the National WWII Museum in New Orleans.

  • Virtus et Fraternitas 2021 Gala


    Virtus et Fraternitas 2021 Gala

    The President of Poland Andrzej Duda awarded the medals to foreigners who provided aid to Polish citizens during the 20th century, in times of both war and peace.

  • The Witold Pilecki International Book Award. The first edition (2021)


    The Witold Pilecki International Book Award. The first edition (2021)

    In 2021, to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the birth of Witold Pilecki, we are launching the first edition of the Witold Pilecki International Book Award. Deadline for submitting applications: 30 June 2021.

  • Strides Towards Liberty | webinar


    Strides Towards Liberty | webinar

    In 2021 we celebrate the 230th anniversary of the Constitution. The Institute would like to contribute to nation-wide festivities with a strong academic roundtable aiming at an international popular audience.

  • The Polish Underground and the Jews | seminarium


    The Polish Underground and the Jews | seminarium

    Next Wednesday, on 14 April 2021 at 3 p.m. CEST, we are holding an online seminar entitled “The Polish Underground and the Jews.”

  • World War II: Witnesses and Memory | Part 2: Witnessing the Outbreak


    World War II: Witnesses and Memory | Part 2: Witnessing the Outbreak

    We invite you to the second part of new series of international webinars organized by the Pilecki Institute of Warsaw, Poland and and the National World War II Museum of New Orleans, USA.

  • Duty and Compassion. Polish Diplomacy Working Against the Holocaust | webinar


    Duty and Compassion. Polish Diplomacy Working Against the Holocaust | webinar

  • The Genesis of the Lados Operation – 1940-1942 | seminarium


    The Genesis of the Lados Operation – 1940-1942 | seminarium

    An examination of the background behind the Bern passport operation, looking at the wider context of Polish exile government policy as well as the possible precedents set elsewhere, including the Sugihara visas.

  • Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century


    Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century

    We invite you to attend our online meeting, “Europe’s suburbs or a distinct region: Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century” with four renowned historians on the subject of a new synthesis of economic and social history in our part of the continent.

  • The Pilecki Project | webinar for teachers, educators and parents


    The Pilecki Project | webinar for teachers, educators and parents

    Join us at a free webinar for teachers, educators and parents interested in The Pilecki Project – a brand new educational project for students from all around the USA and Canada brought to you by the Pilecki Institute.

  • Deportacja i praca przymusowa | book premiere


    Deportacja i praca przymusowa | book premiere

    Join us for a discussion devoted to Johannes-Dieter Steinert’s book on the wartime deportation and forced labor of children from Poland and the USSR in Nazi Germany and occupied Eastern Europe.

  • World War II: Witnesses and Memory – Liberators and Liberated


    World War II: Witnesses and Memory – Liberators and Liberated

    We invite you to a new series of international webinars organized by the Pilecki Institute of Warsaw, Poland and and the National World War II Museum of New Orleans, USA.

  • Memories and Testimonies - what can we learn from them about Mothers during the Holocaust


    Memories and Testimonies - what can we learn from them about Mothers during the Holocaust

    On 20 January 2021 at 3 p.m. 12.00 CEST, we are holding an online seminar entitled “Memories and Testimonies - what can we learn from them about Mothers during the Holocaust.”

  • The "Pilecki Institute Archives: Activation" international online conference


    The "Pilecki Institute Archives: Activation" international online conference

    Over one million: the number of documents so far included in our digital archives, ready to be launched with an international online conference on 12-13 January 2021.

  • Lemkin. Witness to the Age of Genocide | online exhibition


    Lemkin. Witness to the Age of Genocide | online exhibition

    Is genocide a domain of history? What led to one of the most significant intellectual responses to the tragic experience of World War II? Explore the story of Raphael Lemkin – the author of the concept of genocide!

  • The Pilecki Project


    The Pilecki Project

    “The Pilecki Project” is a new educational initiative about Witold Pilecki - one of the greatest heroes of World War II whose brave mission to Auschwitz touched so many lives.

  • Tools and Objectives of Genocidal Social Engineering. Man and the State in the Face of Totalitarianism


    Tools and Objectives of Genocidal Social Engineering. Man and the State in the Face of Totalitarianism

    We would like to invite you to participate in the international scientific conference organized by the Pilecki Institute, which will be held as part of the "Lemkin 2018-2023" project.

  • How to talk about Righteous among the nation – from micro history to macro history


    How to talk about Righteous among the nation – from micro history to macro history

    On 2 December 2020 at 12.00 CEST, we are holding an online seminar entitled “The Polish Underground and the Jews." The Panelist: Inbal Raz (Mashmaut Center, Israel).

  • Liberated Twice. The political rights of women 1918 | online exhibition


    Liberated Twice. The political rights of women 1918 | online exhibition

    The Decree issued by the Chief of State on 28 November 1918, which granted women the right to vote and the right to stand for election, placed Poland amongst the most democratic and progressive European states.

  • War Crimes and War Aims: the Allies, the UNWCC and the debate over postwar justice during the Second World War


    War Crimes and War Aims: the Allies, the UNWCC and the debate over postwar justice during the Second World War

    This seminar will explore the context of the UNWCC within wider wartime debates over war aims, war crimes, and post-war justice.

  • History Memory and Testimony Life stories of Israeli pilot’s Holocaust survivor


    History Memory and Testimony Life stories of Israeli pilot’s Holocaust survivor

    On 14 October 2021 at 12.00 CEST, we are holding an online seminar entitled “History Memory and Testimony Life stories of Israeli pilot’s Holocaust survivor.” The panelist: Dr. Lea Ganor (Mashmaut Center in Israel).

  • Pilecki Institute International Teachers and Educators Program | call for participants


    Pilecki Institute International Teachers and Educators Program | call for participants

    The Pilecki Institute is launching a pilot edition of its International Teachers and Educators Program. It will consist of two parts: a five-day online conference (August 15–19, 2020) which will be followed by a study trip to Poland.

  • Poland, September 1939: prelude to disaster


    Poland, September 1939: prelude to disaster

    An analysis of the significance of the German and Soviet campaigns against Poland in 1939 as the prelude to the ideologically driven warfare that followed in World War Two.

  • Watch “Witnesses to the Age of Shoah” at home!


    Watch “Witnesses to the Age of Shoah” at home!

    The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising according to the witnesses to history, the traumatic wartime experience, the accounts of those who survived – all this and more can be seen in the extraordinary documentary film: “Witnesses to the Age of Shoah”.

  • "Wola 1944. An Unpunished Crime and the Notion of Genocide” | debate


    "Wola 1944. An Unpunished Crime and the Notion of Genocide” | debate

    The discussion will be held as part of the conference “The New Dawn of Europe after the Great War: The Theory of the State and Genocide in the 20th Century”.

  • The New Dawn of Europe after the Great War | conference


    The New Dawn of Europe after the Great War | conference

    Even though the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide came in 2018, Rafał Lemkin’s work remains a subject for research. We would like to invite you to a conference with experts.

  • Open letter from the families of those “Called by name”


    Open letter from the families of those “Called by name”

  • Tribute to Franciszek Andrzejczyk


    Tribute to Franciszek Andrzejczyk

    The “Called by Name” project is gaining momentum! As many as 65 people from the family of Franciszek Andrzejczyk came to Czyżew to honor the memory of their father, grandfather, and great-grandfather.

  • A Commemoration of Władysława and Stanisław Krysiewicz


    A Commemoration of Władysława and Stanisław Krysiewicz

    The couple were shot for hiding eight Jews. On Sunday, 6 October, in Waniewo near Białystok, we paid tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Krysiewicz and a plaque in their honor was unveiled.

  • Forced Labour in the Reich and Criminal Abuse as reflected in the Polish UNWCC Charge Files


    Forced Labour in the Reich and Criminal Abuse as reflected in the Polish UNWCC Charge Files

  • Wacław Budziszewski commemorated for assisting Jews


    Wacław Budziszewski commemorated for assisting Jews

    On Sunday, 22 September 2019, the Pilecki Institute paid tribute to Wacław Budziszewski, murdered for providing assistance to Jews during the war. A memorial plaque was unveiled in the town of Nur near Ostrów Mazowiecka.

  • The values and moral norms of the societies of occupied Europe – a debate on the book “An Iron Wind: Europe Under Hitler”


    The values and moral norms of the societies of occupied Europe – a debate on the book “An Iron Wind: Europe Under Hitler”

  • The Onset of the New Order: Europe 1939–1940 | International scientific conference


    The Onset of the New Order: Europe 1939–1940 | International scientific conference

    The 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War was an ideal opportunity to focus scholarly attention on this pivotal era of global history.

  • The opening of a Polish exhibition about Raphael Lemkin in the UN in New York


    The opening of a Polish exhibition about Raphael Lemkin in the UN in New York

    On 21 August, an English-language exhibition “Lemkin. Witness to the Age of Genocide” will be opened in the UN headquarters in New York

  • The Second World War in the New Millennium


    The Second World War in the New Millennium

    The presentation of Professor Arnd Bauerkämper (Freie Universität Berlin) deals with memories of National Socialism, the Second World War, the Holocaust and Stalinist extermination policies in Europe after 1945.

  • A Commemoration of the Postek Family


    A Commemoration of the Postek Family

    During the German occupation, the Postek family sheltered and nourished 17 Jews, for which they paid the highest price. On Sunday, 30 June 2019, the Pilecki Institute paid tribute to those murdered.

  • Tribute to Jadwiga Długoborska and Lucyna Radziejowska


    Tribute to Jadwiga Długoborska and Lucyna Radziejowska

    Jadwiga Długoborska and Lucyna Radziejowska were killed by the Germans for sheltering Jews. The Pilecki Institute introduced their stories to the world by commemorating them within the framework of the “Called by Name” project.

  • Aleksandra and Hieronim Skłodowski commemorated for assisting Jews


    Aleksandra and Hieronim Skłodowski commemorated for assisting Jews

    On Sunday, 16 June 2019, two people were commemorated in Skłody-Piotrowice within the framework of the project “Called by Name.” Aleksandra and Hieronim Skłodowski had been murdered by German gendarmes for helping Jews.

  • Tribute to Piotr Leszczyński and Antoni Prusiński


    Tribute to Piotr Leszczyński and Antoni Prusiński

    A memorial stone and plaque commemorating the murder of Antoni Prusiński and Piotr Leszczyński for helping Jews was unveiled on Sunday, 9 June 2019, in the township of Poręba-Kocęby near Ostrów Mazowiecka.

  • Paroda „Dvigubai laisvos. Moterų politinės teisės 1918 m.“


    Paroda „Dvigubai laisvos. Moterų politinės teisės 1918 m.“

  • Lemkin und das Zeitalter des Genozids | Vortrag und Diskussion


    Lemkin und das Zeitalter des Genozids | Vortrag und Diskussion

    Im Rahmenprogramm des Internationalen Karlpreises zu Aachen findet ein Vortrag mit anschließender Diskussion mit besonderen Gästen aus Polen: Prof. Marek Kornat und Eryk Habowski aus dem Pilecki-Institut in Warszawa, statt.

  • Holocaust Angst | a discussion on the book by Jacob S. Eder


    Holocaust Angst | a discussion on the book by Jacob S. Eder

    The Pilecki Institute’s most recent publication – Jacob S. Eder’s book about the history of the influence the Federal Republic of Germany strove to wield over the structure of the exhibition at the Holocaust Memorial Museum and over American Holocaust Memo

  • A Commemoration of the Lubkiewicz Family from Sadowne


    A Commemoration of the Lubkiewicz Family from Sadowne

    Acting upon an initiative put forward by Magdalena Gawin, Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the Pilecki Institute has commemorated Marianna, Leon and Stefan Lubkiewicz, who were murdered by the Germans in 1943.

  • An unknown resistance story from Auschwitz | lecture at Humanity House


    An unknown resistance story from Auschwitz | lecture at Humanity House

    Polish Professor Mared Kornat will give a lecture on the story of Pilecki and confront the audience with the choices people had to make during the horrors of the Second World War.

  • Publications of the Government-in-Exile as a Wartime Information Campaign | seminarium


    Publications of the Government-in-Exile as a Wartime Information Campaign | seminarium

    John Cornell (Instytut Pileckiego) will talk about the various periodicals, pamphlets and books published in English by the Polish Government-in-Exile during the war and their historical significance.

  • Lemkin. Witness to the Age of Genocide | exhibition


    Lemkin. Witness to the Age of Genocide | exhibition

    The first exhibition in Poland to be devoted entirely to Rafał Lemkin

  • Why Lemkin? | debate


    Why Lemkin? | debate

    The debate „Why Lemkin” is intended to bring to the attention of wide audiences the significance of the concept of genocide – a new crime under international law.

  • Witness to the Age of Genocide. Rafał Lemkin and the Convention of 1948


    Witness to the Age of Genocide. Rafał Lemkin and the Convention of 1948

    International interdisciplinary conference in the memory of Raphael Lemkin, Polish-Jewish jurist.

  • Liberated Twice. Women's Voting Rights 1918


    Liberated Twice. Women's Voting Rights 1918

    The exhibition presents famous Polish women from the turn of the 20th century, and also the fates of the female generation which fought for the freedom of Poland in 1918 and during the Polish-Bolshevik War.

  • Exercising modernity | open lectures


    Exercising modernity | open lectures

    We invite you to all open lectures in Bernau bei Berlin as part of the project Ćwiczenie nowoczesności / Exercising modernity / Modernität üben.

  • Bauhaus / Tel Aviv / Gdynia | concert


    Bauhaus / Tel Aviv / Gdynia | concert

    We would like to invite the residents of Gdynia to an audiovisual event accompanied by live music. The performance has been organized by Patryk Zakrocki, Ludomir Franczak and Jan Witek-Terlikowski.

  • The Opening of the Lemkin Collection


    The Opening of the Lemkin Collection

    More than 160 books concerning the life and work of Rafał Lemkin were handed over to the Warsaw University Library. Compiled by the Center/Institute, the Lemkin Collection was today officially bequeathed and opened.

  • Killing Intellectuals. European Intellectual Elites Under German Occupation, 1939-1945 | conference


    Killing Intellectuals. European Intellectual Elites Under German Occupation, 1939-1945 | conference

    The conference was held in Austria on 7-9 May 2017. It proved an opportunity for a comparative look at the fates of the intelligentsia and intellectual elites in Europe under German occupation. The discussion was attended by scholars representing different

  • Raphael Lemkin Center for Documenting Russian Crimes in Ukraine


    Raphael Lemkin Center for Documenting Russian Crimes in Ukraine

    In response to the Russian attack on Ukraine and reports of Russian military actions against civilians, the Pilecki Institute has established the Raphael Lemkin Center for Documenting Russian Crimes in Ukraine.

  • You can help by gathering testimonies from Ukrainian refugees!


    You can help by gathering testimonies from Ukrainian refugees!

    We are appealing to volunteers for support in collecting the accounts of the Ukrainian people.

  • "Conscience cannot be delegalized". On the closure of Memorial International


    "Conscience cannot be delegalized". On the closure of Memorial International

    On 28 December, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation endorsed the request from the Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia and ordered the closure of Memorial International.

  • Virtus et Fraternitas Medal


    Virtus et Fraternitas Medal

    The Virtus et Fraternitas Medal is a token of gratitude of the Republic of Poland for rescuing its citizens in times of the country’s greatest distress.

  • Experts



    Our experts, lecturers and speakers.

  • Program



    Program and timeline of the Academy.

  • How to apply


    How to apply

    How to apply to the program.

  • Materials



    Materials, databases and videos.

  • Regulations



    The most important information about the procedures and regulations.

  • Passports | an exhibition devoted to the Ładoś Group


    Passports | an exhibition devoted to the Ładoś Group

    The exhibition shows the role played by the Polish Government-in-Exile and the Polish Underground State in informing the world about the Holocaust, and in activities undertaken to save Jews on territories occupied by Nazi Germany.

  • ITEP 2021 BASIC LEVEL Frequently Asked Questions


    ITEP 2021 BASIC LEVEL Frequently Asked Questions

    ITEP 2021 BASIC LEVEL Frequently Asked Questions.

  • The Volunteer. Witold Pilecki and his Mission in Auschwitz | exhibition


    The Volunteer. Witold Pilecki and his Mission in Auschwitz | exhibition

    Presentation of the story hitherto unknown and untold outside Poland – that of Pilecki’s mission to Auschwitz, of his death at the hands of the Communist authorities, and of the attempts made to erase him from memory.

  • Declassified UN files | interview


    Declassified UN files | interview

    The world knew about the Shoah thanks to the Polish Underground State – the Polish Government-in-Exile informed the Allies about the Holocaust and crimes against Poles. An interview with Eryk Habowski, an expert in international law at Pilecki Institute.

  • Light a Remembrance Flame


    Light a Remembrance Flame

    On 24 March we observe the National Day of Remembrance of Poles who saved Jews during German occupation.

  • Solidarity with Ukraine


    Solidarity with Ukraine

    Russia’s invasion brings war to Europe on a scale unknown to us since WWII. We invite you to listen to the expert discussion on the situation in Ukraine.

  • International Teachers and Educators Program


    International Teachers and Educators Program

    The 3rd edition of the International Teachers and Educators Program is now open. We invite teachers and educators from all over the world to participate. This year we are focusing on issues related to teaching about totalitarian systems.