Holocaust Angst | a discussion on the book by Jacob S. Eder - Instytut Pileckiego
25.04.2019 (Thu) 18:00
Holocaust Angst | a discussion on the book by Jacob S. Eder
The Pilecki Institute’s most recent publication – Jacob S. Eder’s book about the history of the influence the Federal Republic of Germany strove to wield over the structure of the exhibition at the Holocaust Memorial Museum and over American Holocaust Memo
The Federal Republic of Germany viewed the development of Holocaust memory in the US as a threat to its own political goals and reputation. For Helmut Kohl’s government, the key issue was the erection of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, which the Germans tried to impede. Eder compellingly documents the Federal Republic’s reaction to the changes which occurred in the American culture of memory at the time.
Tomasz Gabiś – a publicist, translator and expert on German issues. In the years 1991–2003 he was the editor-in-chief of the “Stańczyk” journal. A contributor to the “Arcana” journal.
Professor Patrycja Grzebyk – a lawyer and political scientist specializing in international criminal law. She works at the Institute of International Relations of the University of Warsaw.
Professor Michał Łuczewski – a sociologist, psychologist and methodologist from the Institute of Sociology at the University of Warsaw. Program Director of the Centre for Thought of John Paul II. Author of the book Kapitał moralny. Polityki historyczne w późnej nowoczesności.
Moderation: Mateusz Fałkowski – Pilecki Institute
Holocaust Angst. The Federal Republic of Germany & American Holocaust Memory since the 1970s – JACOB S. EDER
In 1970s North America, Holocaust memory gained a prominent place in popular culture and activities undertaken by various public institutions. In due course, the US government took the first steps towards the erection of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. For Chancellor Helmut Kohl, the very concept of the museum posed a serious threat to the political goals and reputation of the Federal Republic of Germany. A network of official and unofficial emissaries of the West German government tried to influence the very structure of the museum’s exhibition, arguing both for the inclusion of the history of “good Germans” and the German resistance to Hitler, and for mentioning West Germany’s success in building democratic institutions after the War. Eder’s book is an enthralling study of both foreign policy and the politics of memory, and may easily be read and discussed in the context of present-day disputes which focus on the memory of the Second World War and the Shoah. We hope you enjoy the session.
The book will be available for purchase during the event.
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