Liberated Twice. Women's Voting Rights 1918 - Instytut Pileckiego


28.11.2018 (Wed) 11:00

Liberated Twice. Women's Voting Rights 1918

The exhibition presents famous Polish women from the turn of the 20th century, and also the fates of the female generation which fought for the freedom of Poland in 1918 and during the Polish-Bolshevik War.

Writers and emancipationists, soldiers and social activists – all had to face the repressions of the partitioning powers as Poles and as women, through different life experiences becoming advocates of a free Poland and equality of rights for women (Polish women received political rights in 1918).

Vernissage [28 November 2018]

Stanisława Paleolog, Wanda Gertz, Maria Kretkowska, Aleksandra Szczerbińska, Maria Dulębianka, Maria Konopnicka, Paulina Kuczalska-Reinschmit, and a great many others – each could have been the protagonist of a present-day historical film or serial. But while most have been forgotten, we should keep in mind that their achievements and life stories form part of the democratic, modern history of Poland.

The exhibition premiered on 28 November 2018 in Warsaw, and one of those present at the event was the author of its concept, Professor Magdalena Gawin, the Deputy Minister of Culture and National Heritage. Since then, “Liberated Twice” has been seen in nine cities across Poland: Łódź, Ostrów Mazowiecka, Kraków, Białystok, Środa Wielkopolska, Katowice, Cieszyn, Wrocław and Kielce. Plans for an international exhibition route are currently being drawn up by the Pilecki Institute in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and “Liberated twice” has already been viewed in Vilnius (on 14 May 2019).

Exhibition concept: Prof. Magdalena Gawin

Curatorial cooperation: Hanna Radziejowska

Design: zespół wespół

Project execution: Pracownia Tryktrak

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