Ordinary Germans or Ordinary Men? - Instytut Pileckiego


22.11.2021 (Mon) 19:00

Ordinary Germans or Ordinary Men?

Don’t miss the unique chance to listen online to a fascinating discussion with Dr Jochen Böhler, Roger Moorhouse and Alina Nowobilska, on that crucial question that regularly haunts academics!

The meeting "Ordinary Germans or Ordinary Men? Nazi Crimes and their Perpetrators in Occupied Eastern Europe, 1939-1944/45" will take place as a part of the project "Totalitarianism in East-Central Europe 1939-1989; History and Memory – graduate academy".

  • Were those who committed crimes in occupied Eastern Europe between 1939 and 1944/45 ordinary Germans or were they ordinary men?
  • Surely the Browning vs Goldhagen debate is still relevant, but are there any new perspectives or has new evidence been discovered that would change or correct the narrative?
  • Did these perpetrators cave to peer pressure and authority?
  • Or were they all simply Nazis and anti-Semites?
  • Why did they commit these atrocities in occupied Eastern Europe?

These are just some of the issues that will be debated. Tune in to listen to the renowned scholars' discussion. The meeting will take place on Zoom. Registration link ➡ https://bit.ly/3wzAt5v


See also