Bauhaus / Tel Aviv / Gdynia | concert - Instytut Pileckiego


07.10.2018 (Sun) 19:00

Bauhaus / Tel Aviv / Gdynia | concert

We would like to invite the residents of Gdynia to an audiovisual event accompanied by live music. The performance has been organized by Patryk Zakrocki, Ludomir Franczak and Jan Witek-Terlikowski.

It is dedicated to the modernists and comprises four parts – three impressions: on the topic of the Bauhaus movement, the White City in Tel Aviv, and Gdynia, and a futuristic fantasy. The presentation brings together three different developments of material culture which, although spatially distant from each other, occurred in a similar time and for similar reasons, chief among them the aspiration for modernity and utility.

Thus, the visual layer has been planned as a journey to the aesthetics developed by the Bauhaus school – simplified geometrical forms and black and white photographs, often activated by kinetic machines.

The complete image, created live, will intertwine with the sound layer, comprising 4 electroacoustic pieces for the viola, the oscillator and tuning forks, which were written especially for the occasion. Musically, the composition will be governed by the tenets of modernism, which more than one hundred years ago freed music from the excessive emotionalism of the Romantic period. The sound material will relate to each presented topic, remaining in strict harmony with the visual layer.

A production under the Exercising modernity ( project.

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