Pilecki Institute International Teachers and Educators Program | call for participants - Instytut Pileckiego
01.06.2020 (PN) 09.00
Pilecki Institute International Teachers and Educators Program | call for participants
The Pilecki Institute is launching a pilot edition of its International Teachers and Educators Program. It will consist of two parts: a five-day online conference (August 15–19, 2020) which will be followed by a study trip to Poland.
We will be focusing on the topic of resistance to totalitarianism in 20th-century Europe in a comparative approach. We want to discuss how different people and groups stood up to Nazism and Communism during the past century, and how we can approach this subject in schools and other educational institutions. The e-learning part of the conference will take up to 4 hours each day and consist of podcasts, webinars, discussions and workshops held by the Pilecki Institute’s educators and the course participants. There will also be time for icebreaking activities and an opportunity for networking. The study trip will be organized at a later time, so that we can all be sure we are safe from the COVID virus. The institute will invite all of the participants who complete the first part of the program to visit Poland and meet in person.
Both parts of the program will be free of charge. Places are limited and preference will be given to applicants delivering a presentation.
The preliminary program of the e-learning part will be published soon.
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