Wartime Diplomacy How Governments Responded to the Holocaust roundtable | Duty and Compassion - Instytut Pileckiego
Wartime Diplomacy How Governments Responded to the Holocaust roundtable | Duty and Compassion
Diplomacy is one of the tools of the state. Do the activities of individual diplomats and diplomatic posts testify to the countries’ varied attitudes towards the Holocaust?
Do they help us better understand the responses of various political communities to genocide? What were the actions of the states that retained their full traditional potential, and what were the actions of those that were destroyed and placed under occupation and thus continued to operate exclusively in the form of underground or émigré structures?
Inviting you to join us for a discussion with international experts, we hope that our reflection on the experiences of Polish diplomats during the Second World War will bring us closer to answering the above questions.
• Jakub Kumoch, Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Turkey
• John Cornell, Pilecki Institute
• Kinga Czechowska, Nicolaus Copernicus University
• Marek Kornat, Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
• Mordecai Paldiel, Yeshiva University and Touro College in New York
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