Video | The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 - causes, dimensions and consequences - Instytut Pileckiego

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Video | The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 - causes, dimensions and consequences

Come and join our brilliant debate dedicated to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and its its global influence.

Our guests are Prof. Frederick Corney from The College of William & Mary in Virginia, who specializes in the history of Russia, specifically in the revolutionary period through the 1920s, and Dr. Bartłomiej Gajos, whose main specialization is the Russian Revolution and the politics of history. 
Prof. Frederick Corney specializes in the history of Russia, specifically in the revolutionary period through the 1920s. He is especially interested in historiographic and cultural issues, notably historical memory, and Soviet film.
Dr. Bartłomiej Gajos is a historian, working at The Juliusz Mieroszewski Center of Dialog, whose main area of study is the history of the Soviet Union, especially in the politics of history and the Russian Revolution 1917-1922.
Dr. Bartłomiej Kapica is affiliated with the Centre for Totalitarian Studies of the Pilecki Institute. His main interests lie in the history of communism in Poland and the communist party apparatus.
The Pilecki Institute organized the program Graduate Academy with support from Valdosta State University, GA, and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Washington. 
The project is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage under the “Inspiring Culture” Program.

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