ITEP 2021 BASIC LEVEL Frequently Asked Questions - Instytut Pileckiego
ITEP 2021 BASIC LEVEL Frequently Asked Questions
ITEP 2021 BASIC LEVEL Frequently Asked Questions.
Do I receive any educational materials during the BASIC level of ITEP?
Yes. You will receive training and educational materials. An online conference booklet will be sent to you via email, you will also have access to video and audio materials. All participants will receive an additional educational package including books issued by the Pilecki Institute sent via traditional post.
Do I receive a certificate after completing the BASIC level of ITEP?
Yes. All participants who complete the program will receive a certificate with the number of hours spent on the ITEP BASIC stage. Your certificate will also include the title of your presentation if you are asked to give one.
What can I talk about during the presentation session of the online conference?
You can tell us a story of a person, group, or organisation to illustrate one of the faces of resistance to totalitarianism in 20th century history. You may focus on civilian, military, intellectual, spiritual, or other forms of resistance. Try to frame your story within one of the three main themes: the fight for freedom (individual or collective), the pursuit of justice, and responses to the challenge of courage.
What are the technical requirements of the presentation?
Your speech should take up to 15 minutes. You may use a pptx, video or audio materials, or speak without additional materials.
Is my presentation supposed to be about Polish history?
Not necessarily. We will be discussing a much wider picture of the past than just the Polish experience, although we strongly believe the history of Poland is essential to understanding the complex reality of the 20th century. Choose a subject that is close to you as a person or educator and that you wish to share with others.
Will all participants who are willing to present be able to do so?
We will be choosing 3-4 presentations to be held at every session of the ITEP online conference. Each session is devoted to one thematic area of the main subject: the fight for freedom (individual or collective), the pursuit of justice, and responding to the challenge of courage. That means up to 12 participants will be chosen to give a presentation.
When will the list of participants be closed?
We want to complete the application process by the 21st of July. All applicants will be informed whether or not they have been accepted to the program.
What are the requirements of completing the BASIC level of ITEP 2021?
To complete ITEP at this level you are required to
take an active part in at least 80% of the online conference
submit an essay on education in your country in the field of resistance to totalitarian regimes in 20th century Europe. The essay should be between 1 500 to 3 000 words in length and must be submitted by the end of 2021.
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
We are here to support you, and look forward to your participation.
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