How to talk about Righteous among the nation – from micro history to macro history - Instytut Pileckiego


02.12.2020 (ŚR) 12.00

How to talk about Righteous among the nation – from micro history to macro history

Zachęcamy do udziału w spotkaniu, które poprowadzi pani Inbal Raz z Mashmaut Center w Izraelu. Seminarium będzie prowadzone w języku angielskim.

27 362 non-Jews were honored as Righteous among the Nations by Yad Vashem for taking great risks to save Jews during the Holocaust. This remarkable phenomenon aimed to emphasize the fact that in such a horrible period man/woman were also capable of keeping human values. The numbers do not necessarily represent the number of Jews who were saved in and also do not always present the number of rescuers. The numbers are based on material examined only by Yad Vashem. The lecturer will discuss some cases of rescuers and survivors that will emphasize the importance of the micro history about the Righteous among the nations in order to understand the Macro history of their heroic action.    

Zainteresowanych udziałem w wydarzeniu prosimy o wiadomość na adres do godziny 16:00 we wtorek 1 grudnia. Przed seminarium wyślemy Państwu link do spotkania na platformie

Kolejne seminaria:

09.12 dr Mikołaj Getka-Kening (Instytut Historii Nauki PAN, Instytut Pileckiego), Plan londyński odbudowy Warszawy - dokument ze zbiorów Instytutu Polskiego i Muzeum im. gen. Sikorskiego;

16.12 dr hab. n. med. Andrzej Ossowski (Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie), Polska Baza Genetyczna Ofiar Totalitaryzmów - wyniki badań.

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