The Voice of Survivors | Duty and Compassion - Instytut Pileckiego
Chris Pleasance (“Daily Mail”) interviews Heidi Fishman – daughter of the Holocaust Survivor Ruth “Tutti” Fishman née Lichtenstern.
"Duty and Compassion. Polish Diplomacy Working Against the Holocaust" webinar inaugurates the Year of the Ładoś Group established by the Polish Parliament, and is also part of the celebration of the National Day of Remembrance of Poles Rescuing Jews under German Occupation. On this occasion, we will present our trilingual Polish-English-German website “Passports for Life”, which in an appealing form presents the current state of knowledge about the operation of the Polish diplomats based in Bern. We will meet with an international panel of experts, journalists reporting on the subject and witnesses to history – the descendants of the Survivors. We will discuss historians’ latest findings and future research perspectives. An analysis of individual operations aimed at rescuing Jews, which were undertaken by Polish diplomats in various circumstances and in different parts of the world, is conducive to a general reflection on the role of diplomacy when confronted with genocidal policies.
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