The Pilecki Project | webinar for teachers, educators and parents - Instytut Pileckiego


11.02.2021 (CZW) 20.00

The Pilecki Project | webinar for teachers, educators and parents

Join us at a free webinar for teachers, educators and parents interested in The Pilecki Project – a brand new educational project for students from all around the USA and Canada brought to you by the Pilecki Institute.

Here's what's on the menu:

  • aims and details of The Pilecki Project
  • free educational materials on Witold Pilecki, which will help introduce students to the history of the 20th century and this fascinating figure
  • discussion on how and why to draw young people's attention to stories of the past

The webinar will take place on February 11, 2021 at 20:00 CET.

To register, please complete the following form:

By taking part in The Pilecki Project adventure, members of Pilecki Teams will practice cooperation, dialogue, planning and systematic implementation of tasks. They will also have a chance to learn or improve their digital skills by working on their original videos, animations or podcasts. They will – independently or with the help of an assistant – analyze different types sources and learn to use newly gained information. And last but not least, our participants will enter a world of fascinating, moving stories never told before!

Every step of The Pilecki Project will bring participants closer to the main and final task ➡ creating their original digital piece: an animation, video or podcast that will present Witold to the world and show his story through their eyes.

More information about The Pilecki Project can be found here.

We will be more than happy to answer all your questions during the upcoming webinar!

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