International Teachers and Educators Program - Instytut Pileckiego
International Teachers and Educators Program
The 3rd edition of the International Teachers and Educators Program is now open. We invite teachers and educators from all over the world to participate. This year we are focusing on issues related to teaching about totalitarian systems.
International Teachers and Educators Program comprises:
- a 3-day online conference on 13–15 May 2022;
- an essay competition;
- a study tour in Poland.
Teaching about the history of totalitarianisms is a great responsibility. We owe this to the victims of communism and National Socialism. We owe this to the present and future generations. As the new war in the heart of Europe has shown, even today peace is not an obvious option.
It is the teachers and educators who have the duty to share their knowledge in such a way as to make it possible for the students to draw conclusions from the past and thus become conscious and committed citizens. Participation in the International Teachers and Educators Program is a unique opportunity for professional development by way of exchanging experiences with specialists from numerous countries during discussion sessions, enhancing methodological techniques during workshops and deepening historical knowledge during lectures.
Participants of the present edition will seek answers to the following questions:
- Why should we teach about totalitarianisms?
- What should such education be specifically about?
- How to teach about totalitarianisms?
There are two levels of participation:
- a 3-day online conference on 13–15 May 2022. Program of the conference: classes based on interesting and virtually unknown sources, discussion sessions centered around the most important problems of education about totalitarianisms, presentation of modern and unconventional teaching methods.
- an essay competition concerning the topic of the conference
A study tour in Poland on July 26 - August 3, 2022. It comprises visits to the most interesting Polish museums, networking sessions with professionals from numerous countries, as well as lectures and workshops conducted by experts from the Pilecki Institute.
Participation in the study tour is also an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the centuries-old history and culture of Poland, a country which experienced immense suffering at the hands of two totalitarian regimes.
Participation in the MASTER level is open to participants of the conference with at least 80% attendance who will write the most compelling essays.
Who can apply?
We invite school teachers, especially of history and social sciences, educators employed at museums and places of memory as well as all those involved in historical and civic education of the youth.
How to apply?
Applications are open from 14 March 2022 until 20 April 2022. Please apply via our form. You will be notified of acceptance no later than on 24 April.
Application form (click here).
Previous editions of the program brought together participants from 18 countries. Join the community of ITEP graduates!
Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us: and join us on Facebook!
Before the beginning of the conference, participants will receive relevant materials: articles and documentaries from the resources of the Pilecki Institute.
Each participant will receive a certificate of participation in the ITEP Program.
Participation in the program is free of charge. See the regulations below.
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