Pilecki Institute International Teachers and Educators Program | call for participants - Instytut Pileckiego
18.06.2021 (PT) 09.00
Pilecki Institute International Teachers and Educators Program | call for participants
Have you ever reflected on the nature of evil? Do you wonder what leads people to become involved in resistance to totalitarian regimes? Do you want to engage your students in debate about the most important events of the 20th century?
If you answered 'yes' to any of the questions above, this year’s edition of the International Teachers and Educators Program will be of interest to you.
We offer two levels of participation:
1. Certified Basic Level, featuring an online conference that focuses on the faces of resistance to totalitarian regimes in 20th century Europe, and on the ways we can approach this subject in the educational process.
The online conference is planned for 14-21 August. It consists of audio, video, and reading materials, as well as discussions and workshops held by the Pilecki Institute’s experts. Time for networking activities is also included.
2. Certified Master Level is an invitation to cooperate in post-conference projects and to take a study trip to Poland during the next summer (depending on the pandemic situation).
Active participation will be highly appreciated. Preference in the application process will be given to candidates who indicate willingness to deliver a presentation.
The Program is free of charge. Download the preliminary program below.
Application deadline: July 18.
Click here to fill in the application form.
In order to see ITEP 2021 BASIC LEVEL Frequently Asked Questions, click here.
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