Obligation to Cooperate: Addressing Atrocities in Ukraine – Progress and Pathways Forward - Instytut Pileckiego
09.12.2024 (PN) 09.45
Obligation to Cooperate: Addressing Atrocities in Ukraine – Progress and Pathways Forward
The seminar aims to examine the scope and practical implications of ‘the obligation to cooperate’ within the framework of international efforts to investigate and address crimes committed in Ukraine.
Seminar, 9th December 2024
University of Warsaw, Department of Political Science and International Studies,
Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 - the Main Campus
Room: 223 / online
The seminar will focus on key aspects of international cooperation, including the mechanisms for collecting and sharing evidence, the roles of various actors, and the processes for using collected data in investigations and legal proceedings. Participants will have the opportunity to exchange information and share their experiences regarding how data has been gathered, utilized, and what gaps remain to be addressed. Discussions will also highlight the contributions of institutions such as the International Criminal Court, United Nations bodies, and regional mechanisms, as well as the critical role played by non-governmental organizations and local entities. The seminar’s objective is to identify best practices, evaluate challenges, and propose improvements in the processes of international collaboration and accountability. By bringing together experts, practitioners, and stakeholders, this seminar seeks to advance understanding and enhance the effectiveness of global efforts in investigating and addressing atrocities, with a focus on ensuring justice for victims and strengthening the international legal framework.
9:45 Welcome remarks
Roman Kuźniar (Head of the Department of Strategic Studies and International Security, University of Warsaw)
I panel: The Obligation to Cooperate and the Role of International Institutions
Moderator: Patrycja Grzebyk (University of Warsaw)
Anton Korynevych (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine)
Erik Møse (UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine)
Veronika Bílková (The OSCE Moscow Mechanism Mission)
Olga Kostenko (Council of Europe)
11:30-11:45 Break
II panel: From Collecting Evidence to Reparations: Upholding the Obligation to Cooperate in International Justice
Moderator: Agnieszka Bieńczyk-Missala (University of Warsaw)
Hanna Kuczyńska (Polish Academy of Science)
Ivan Horodysky (Dnistranskyi Center)
Oleksa Drachewych (Western University)
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