“Lemkin. Witness to the Age of Genocide” in Bochum - Instytut Pileckiego


09.10.2021 (Sat) 00:00

“Lemkin. Witness to the Age of Genocide” in Bochum

Pilecki-Institut and the Fritz Bauer Forum opened the exhibition in Bochum, Germany. The exposition presents a close-up of the renowned lawyer Rafał Lemkin, who founded the legal concept of “genocide”.

The choice of partner for this endeavor was not accidental. Fritz Bauer was a judge and prosecutor, a prisoner of Lager Heuberg, and a victim of Nazi repression. It was he who passed information regarding Adolf Eichmann’s whereabouts to Mossad.

At the opening, Hanna Radziejowska, the director of the Berlin branch of the Pilecki Institute, spoke about the story of Captain Witold Pilecki and the significance of Rafał Lemkin’s legal and philosophical legacy in the context of research into the totalitarian atrocities of the 20th Century.

The exhibition uses photographs, archival sources and audio-visual material to present the story of the man who coined the term “genocide” – Rafał Lemkin, a Polish Jew born in the eastern borderlands.

The exhibition will be open until 31 January 2022.

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