Instytut Pileckiego

  • Long Night of Museums - Stories of Poles Saving Jews


    Long Night of Museums - Stories of Poles Saving Jews

    We invite you to an evening honoring individuals who chose to put their own and their loved ones’ lives in danger in order to save others.

  • History of the 20th century


    History of the 20th century

    The 20th century was an extremely turbulent period in world and Polish history. During recurring classes, students will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the landmark events of the 20th century in English.

  • Witold’s symbols | grades 1-3


    Witold’s symbols | grades 1-3

    An offer aimed at primary school students to promote patriotic attitudes and knowledge of Polish national symbols.

  • Witold’s symbols | grades 4-6


    Witold’s symbols | grades 4-6

    Classes are held for pupils in grades 4-6 of primary school. During the classes we will discuss the following terms: republic, national symbols, citizen, flag, emblem, national anthem, places of national memory, national holiday.

  • Polish language and history for foreigners


    Polish language and history for foreigners

    The classes are aimed at familiarizing students learning Polish as a foreign language with the most important events in Polish history by practicing language skills at the A1+/A2 level.

  • Destruction of cultural heritage of Ukraine | Debate


    Destruction of cultural heritage of Ukraine | Debate

    Come and join our debate devoted to "Destruction of cultural heritage of Ukraine”. Our guests are Kateryna Busol from National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Andrzej Jakubowski from Polish Academy of Science and Joe Powderly from Leiden University.

  • THE FORGERS AND OTHER STORIES | Debate around Roger Moorhouse's book "The Forgers"


    THE FORGERS AND OTHER STORIES | Debate around Roger Moorhouse's book "The Forgers"

    Come and join a discussion about Polish edition of Roger Moorhouse’s book "The Forgers: The Forgotten Story of the Holocaust's Most Audacious Rescue Operation", published by the Pilecki Institute.