Tadeusz Paweł Rutkowski - Instytut Pileckiego
Tadeusz Paweł Rutkowski, born in 1965, researcher of modern history specializing on the history of Poland and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century, including the history of science and the history of historiography. He completed his studies at the Institute of History at the University of Warsaw in 1992. In 1998, he defended the doctoral thesis “Stanisław Kot (1885–1975). Biografia polityczna” at the History Department of the University of Warsaw, which was then published in 2000. In 2009, he qualified for university office with his work “Nauki historyczne w Polsce 1944–1970. Zagadnienia polityczne i organizacyjne” (Warszawa 2007). He has been an assistant professor at the Institute of History/Department of History of the University of Warsaw since 1998. The author of, i.a., Adam Bromberg i „Encyklopedyści”. Kartka z dziejów inteligencji polskiej w PRL (Warszawa 2010); Józef Polikarp Brudziński (1874–1917). Budował w dniach zamętu i zwątpienia… (Warszawa 2017); Historia i historycy w PRL. Szkice (Warszawa 2019); Pańska, szlachecka, faszystowska. Polska w sowieckiej propagandzie, kulturze i historiografii 1917–1945 (Warszawa 2020).