Results of the call for short-term research grants - Instytut Pileckiego

Results of the call for short-term research grants

The Pilecki Institute is very pleased to announce the results of our first call for applications for the short-term research grants program.

Grants will be awarded to 3 international scholars who will undertake research in Poland. The recipients of this year's program are:

  1. Leah Valtin-Erwin (Indiana University Bloomington, USA)
  2. Emily Roche (Brown University, USA)
  3. Jan Gryta (University of Bristol, UK)

We would like to sincerely thank all those who applied, there were a great many very interesting and promising proposals, and as always it is difficult to have to turn down potentially valuable research projects. We encourage all applicants who were not chosen this year to apply again in coming years.

The short-term research grants give young scholars (PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers) an opportunity to carry out research in Poland aimed towards completing their dissertation or a scientific paper.

Our congratulations to this year's short-term research grant recipients!

PLEASE NOTE: Because of covid-19 pandemic crisis research dates may have to be rescheduled


  • Pilecki Institute short-term research grant


    Pilecki Institute short-term research grant

    We are looking for researchers worldwide, representing disciplines in the humanities and social sciences to carry out their own research projects and who will contribute with their approaches, perspectives and new ideas.


  • Pilecki Institute Short-Term Research Grant 2019


    Pilecki Institute Short-Term Research Grant 2019

    The Pilecki Institute Short-Term Research Grant is tailored specifically for MA and PhD students seeking an opportunity to carry out research in Poland aimed towards completing their dissertations.