Grant - Instytut Pileckiego

Competition for Cultural Scholarships of The Pilecki Institute. The scholarships are addressed to young artists and/or scholars of the humanities who took part in the “Exercising modernity” school organized by the Pilecki Institute in 2018.

Warsaw, 1 march 2019

The Witold Pilecki Institute of Solidarity and Valor, acting pursuant to the provisions of Article 15 of the Act of 9 November 2017 on the Witold Pilecki Institute of Solidarity and Valor (Journal of Laws of 2019, Item 213) and § 4, subparagraph 1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage , dated 13 December 2018, on scholarships supporting scientific research and educational and cultural projects falling within the scope of activities of the Witold Pilecki Institute of Solidarity and Valor (Journal of Laws of 2019, Item 23), hereby announces a competition for cultural scholarships in connection with the project:


The subject of the competition are five cultural scholarships, each totaling 1,000 EUR net per month, which will be awarded for a period of 6 months. The scholarships are planned to be paid out between May and December 2019, while the earliest feasible date for commencing the project is 1 May 2019.

The scholarships will be awarded for projects that:

  1. focus on the issue of modernity;
  2. touch upon the issue of modernity with reference to the 20th-century history, art or culture of Poland (we welcome submissions which also relate to the history, art or culture of Germany and/or Israel);
  3. include a research component – regardless of whether the proposed project is of artistic, curatorial or other in nature, it should be rooted in research, the current state of knowledge, or the applicant’s own exploration of his/her chosen subject (projects may be based on art as research, practice as research, etc.);
  4. have an interdisciplinary character.

Implementation of the project will be supervised by Hanna Radziejowska – a curator, producer, and scriptwriter of cultural and museological projects – in cooperation with the school’s curators, Aleksandra Janus and Małgorzata Jędrzejczyk.

The scholarships are addressed to young artists and/or scholars of the humanities who took part in the “Exercising modernity” school organized by the Pilecki Institute in 2018.

Information about the scholarships:

  • Each scholarship will be awarded in the sum of 1,000 EUR net per month for a period of 6 months (which may be extended for a further 2 months in duly justified cases).
  • The project implementation period will be from May to December 2019.
  • The number of scholarships: 5.
  • Possibility of receiving additional funding (up to 500 EUR) to cover travel and/or accommodation expenses arising in connection with preliminary research and/or artistic activities undertaken during the period of execution of the project.
  • Scholarship holders are not obliged to remain in Warsaw throughout the entire period of execution of the project.
  • Scholarship holders are obliged to participate in a seminar organized by the Pilecki Institute for scholarship holders, which will be held over the course of several days (the date will be announced at least a month in advance).
  • Scholarship holder are obliged to present the results of their work to a wider audience during an event summarizing the scholarship program, at the latest within 3 months of the date of completion of the project (the exact date, form of presentation and venue will be determined jointly by individual scholarship holders and the project supervisor during the final month of the scholarship program.

Products of the scholarship may include:

  • an art work (in a final or draft version) in a form which allows its presentation before an audience,
  • a concept of an exhibition,
  • a scientific article or research report,
  • a draft of a publication accompanied by summaries of individual sections or chapters,
  • documentation concerning a social intervention, together with a description of its objectives and a summary.


We invite the candidates to submit applications in English via e-mail to the following address: by 1 April 2019, 4 p.m.. Please use the following title: “The Exercising modernity cultural scholarship”. Applications should include:

  1. A CV and/or portfolio

Please attach the following statement of consent:

I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data by the Witold Pilecki Institute of Solidarity and Valorwith its seat in Warsaw for the purposes of the competition for cultural scholarships under the “Exercising modernity” project.

  1. A description of the cultural project (10,000 to 15,000 characters with spaces), the scholarship holder’s choice of persons (not more than 2) with whom the scholarship holder wishes to consult his/her preliminary research and artistic activities, and also an indication of the locations at which he/she intends to conduct his/her preliminary research/artistic activities;
  2. The scholarship schedule, which shall include information about planned study tours and preliminary research;
  3. A scan (photocopy) of at least two recommendations from scientific, research, or cultural institutions
    (domestic or foreign), or private individuals;
  4. A scan (photocopy) of a signed declaration regarding the personal data controller.
  5. A scan (photocopy) of a signed declaration of acquiescence to the processing of personal data.

Questions and requests for clarification should be sent to the following address:

The review process:

The competition will comprise a single stage. The Selection Board will assess candidates on the basis of complete applications submitted thereby.

The competition will be adjudicated by 17 April 2019, and the results will be published in the Institute’s Public Information Bulletin and on the website Scholarship awardees will also be informed by e-mail.

The Institute shall not be obliged to substantiate the decision of the Selection Board, and no appeal procedure will be available.


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