Seminars - Instytut Pileckiego


  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • seminar

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • seminary

  • Open Lecture

  • seminar

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • The United Nations War Crimes Commission – history of the institution, archival resources, research potential | Workshop


    The United Nations War Crimes Commission – history of the institution, archival resources, research potential | Workshop

    Center for Totalitarian Studies at the Pilecki Institute invites for the workshop: The United Nations War Crimes Commission – history of the institution, archival resources, research potential with prof. Daniel Plesch (SOAS, University of London).

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  • seminar

  • seminar

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  • seminar

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  • seminary

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

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  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminar

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  • seminar

    Wykład pt. „III Rzesza Niemiecka. Nowoczesność i nienawiść” wygłosi dr hab. Grzegorz Kucharczyk, prof. IH PAN, reprezentujący Instytut Historii PAN, Akademię im. Jakuba z Paradyża w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim, Ośrodek Badań nad Totalitaryzmami Instytutu Pileck

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • The Polish Underground and the Jews | online webinar


    The Polish Underground and the Jews | online webinar

    Prof. Joshua Zimmerman from Yeshiva University will present the situation of the Polish Underground State in the context of the extermination policies introduced by Nazi Germany, and its reaction to the Holocaust of European Jews.

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • The Polish Underground and the Jews | seminarium


    The Polish Underground and the Jews | seminarium

    Next Wednesday, on 14 April 2021 at 3 p.m. CEST, we are holding an online seminar entitled “The Polish Underground and the Jews.”

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • The Genesis of the Lados Operation – 1940-1942 | seminarium


    The Genesis of the Lados Operation – 1940-1942 | seminarium

    An examination of the background behind the Bern passport operation, looking at the wider context of Polish exile government policy as well as the possible precedents set elsewhere, including the Sugihara visas.

  • seminar