Stanisław Postek - Instytut Pileckiego

Stanisław Postek was commemorated by the Pilecki Institute on 30 June 2019 in Stoczek.
He lived with his wife Julianna and their eight children in Stoczek, then in the district of Sokołów-Węgrów. He was a forester and managed a farm together with his wife. During the war he sheltered 17 Jews on his farmstead. The first refugees arrived at his place in 1942, following the onset of the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto. They were two men and a woman. Stanisław prepared a hideout for them in the courtyard, in a root cellar remaining from the house that had burned in 1939. Another three people came to the Posteks when the ghetto in Stoczek was being liquidated. They were good acquaintances, and Stanisław built a separate shelter for them. The rest of those hiding at the Posteks’ were prisoners from the Treblinka II camp who escaped following the uprising in August 1943. In spite of difficult conditions (the family consisted of 10 members) and the threat of death penalty, the Posteks – apart from shelter – provided all Jews with food (at night Stanisław would bring them what his wife had cooked during the day). On 5 September 1943, German gendarmes arrived in Stoczek. They searched the farmstead, found the hideouts and proceeded to shoot the Jews on site. Julianna was battered unconscious, and died the following day as a result. Stanisław was arrested together with his sons Wacław and Henryk and sent to the Pawiak prison in Warsaw. Then he was transported to Auschwitz, where he perished in March 1944.