Recipients - Person - Instytut Pileckiego

See also

  • Žofia Lachová (1907–1979)


    Žofia Lachová (1907–1979)

    The courage and selflessness of Žofia and Jozef Lach helped save many Poles and ensured that the transit route to Poland was in use until almost the end of the war.

  • Oksana Karpiuk (1892-?)


    Oksana Karpiuk (1892-?)

    Oksana found the children at nightfall. She hid not only the youngest members of the Polish family at her home, but also the elderly – the parents and the grandmother.

  • Fedor Bojmistruk (1905-1978) Kateryna Bojmistruk (1909-2000)


    Fedor Bojmistruk (1905-1978) Kateryna Bojmistruk (1909-2000)

    “I was crying in the barn, next to the corpses of two boys and an elderly man. I was holding a tiny piece of bread in one hand and a handkerchief with two letters in another. The letters were probably my initials.