Seminars - Instytut Pileckiego


  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • seminar

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • seminary

  • Open Lecture

  • seminar

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • Open Lecture

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • The United Nations War Crimes Commission – history of the institution, archival resources, research potential | Workshop


    The United Nations War Crimes Commission – history of the institution, archival resources, research potential | Workshop

    Center for Totalitarian Studies at the Pilecki Institute invites for the workshop: The United Nations War Crimes Commission – history of the institution, archival resources, research potential with prof. Daniel Plesch (SOAS, University of London).

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminary

  • seminary

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminar

    Wykład pt. „III Rzesza Niemiecka. Nowoczesność i nienawiść” wygłosi dr hab. Grzegorz Kucharczyk, prof. IH PAN, reprezentujący Instytut Historii PAN, Akademię im. Jakuba z Paradyża w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim, Ośrodek Badań nad Totalitaryzmami Instytutu Pileck

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminary

  • seminary

  • seminar

  • seminar