Memories and Testimonies - what can we learn from them about Mothers during the Holocaust - Instytut Pileckiego


20.01.2021 (Wed) 12:00

Memories and Testimonies - what can we learn from them about Mothers during the Holocaust

On 20 January 2021 at 3 p.m. 12.00 CEST, we are holding an online seminar entitled “Memories and Testimonies - what can we learn from them about Mothers during the Holocaust.”

When World War II broke and because of the partition of Poland between the Nazis and the Soviets, young Jewish men fled to the Soviet border, leaving behind women caring for children and sometimes for their elderly parents, others were sent by the Nazis to force labor. Relying on memories and testimonies there will be the discuss the challenges that Jewish mothers had to face in their daily life and their struggle for surviving with their families in the Warsaw and Lodz ghettos, from their entry into the ghetto to the liquidation of the Warsaw and Lodz ghettos.

The online seminar in the form of a webinar will be held in English on, with simultaneous translation into Polish available.

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