dr hab. Andrzej Zawistowski, prof. Instytutu - Instytut Pileckiego

Research / The Center for Totalitarian Studies

dr hab. Andrzej Zawistowski, prof. Instytutu

Associate Professor Andrzej Zawistowski, Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics and the Pilecki Institute

Graduate of the Institute of History at the University of Warsaw (1998), Doctor of Economics (2007) and Doctor Habilitatus of History (2018). Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics (2019). Since 1998, he has worked in the Department of Economic and Social History at the Warsaw School of Economics, and since 2020 he has been Vice Dean of its Graduate School. In addition to working at his alma mater, he has also gained professional experience outside of academia, including at the Institute of National Remembrance, where he headed the Department of Historical Education (2007–2011) and the Office of Public Education (as Deputy Director in 2011–2012 and Director in 2012–2016). In the years 2016–2017, he was a member of the Program Board of the Polish-Czech Forum. Professor Zawistowski also headed the Historical Department of the Warsaw Rising Museum (2017–2020). He was also delegated by the Warsaw Rising Museum as a person in charge of historical supervision over the western extension of M2 Warsaw Metro line. Since 2020, he has been an employee of the Pilecki Institute’s Center for Totalitarian Studies, in 2024 becoming a member of the Institute’s Scientific Council. He also teaches history in elementary school and high school. He researches the political, economic and social aspects of Polish history in the 20th century with a special focus on the history of the People’s Republic of Poland. He is the author of dozens of academic papers and several hundred popular science works, including the first monograph on rationed trade in Poland, as well as educational publications, including history textbooks for elementary, technical and high school students. He is also the author of factual and didactic studies of historical board games, including the game “Kolejka”, which was published in more than a dozen languages. In 2012–2016, he was chairman of the Program Council of the popular historical journal “pamięć.pl”.

An author and co-author of exhibitions and museum displays, among others of supplements to the permanent exhibition at the Warsaw Rising Museum and of the exhibition in the former detention center of the Ministry of Public Security at Koszykowa Street in Warsaw. A host of a YouTube series “Giełda Historii” [stock-exchange of history]. A founding member of the Polish Society of Economic History.

A recipient of numerous awards for achievements in academic work, including History Book of the Year (honorable mention in 2018), KLIO (2019), Collected History (2019), as well as numerous awards from the Rectors of Warsaw School of Economics. In 2021, the students of the Undergraduate School awarded him the title Inspiration of the Year.

Chief non-serial publications

Monographs, bibliographies, source editions and popular science books:

  • Jarosz, J. Kaliński, A. Zawistowski, Bibliografia historii gospodarczej Polski w latach 1944–1989, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warszawa 2003, 510 pp.
  • Zawistowski, Bilety do sklepu. Handel reglamentowany w PRL, PWN, Warszawa 2017, 584 pp.
  • Chcieliśmy być wolni. Powstanie Warszawskie 1944, WAB, MPW, Warszawa 2022, 500 pp. – concept, scientific editor, co-author.
  • Zawistowski, Dekada znaczona kartkami. Polacy i reglamentacja kartkowa w latach 80. XX w., Muzeum Papiernictwa w Dusznikach Zdroju, Duszniki Zdrój 2023.
  • M. Lizut, A. Zawistowski, Dekady, Tom IV: 1975–1984, Wydawnictwo Imbir, Warszawa 2006, 286 pp.
  • Zawistowski, Kombinat. Dzieje Zambrowskich Zakładów Przemysłu Bawełnianego – wielkiej inwestycji planu sześcioletniego, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Warszawa–Białystok 2009, 414 pp.
  • Zawistowski, Koszykowa róg Stalina. Areszt Wewnętrzny Ministerstwa Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego i Komitetu do spraw Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego 1945–1956, IP, Warszawa 2023, 490 pp.
  • Zawistowski, Profesor. Edward Lipiński i jego czasy, OW SGH, Warszawa 2023, 204 pp.
  • Sprawy gospodarcze w dokumentach pierwszej Solidarności, tom I: 16 sierpnia 1980–30 czerwca 1981, selected, prefaced and compiled by J. Luszniewicz, A. Zawistowski, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Warszawa 2008, 488 pp.
  • Zawistowski, Stacja plac Dzierżyńskiego, czyli metro, którego Warszawa nie zobaczyła. Budowa warszawskiej kolei podziemnej w latach 50. XX w., Trzecia Strona, Warszawa 2019, 272 pp.



  • Historia 3. Podręcznik. Liceum i technikum. Poziom podstawowy, WSiP, Warszawa 2024, 400 pp. (with Piotr Szlanta and Jarosław Czubaty)
  • Historia 4. Podręcznik. Liceum i technikum. Poziom podstawowy, WSiP, Warszawa 2022, 336 pp. (with Piotr Szlanta)
  • Historia 4. Podręcznik. Liceum i technikum. Poziom rozszerzony, WSiP, Warszawa 2022, 559 pp. (with Joanna Choińska-Mika and Piotr Szlanta)
  • Historia 8, WSiP, Warszawa 2018, 240 pp. (with Wojciech Kalwat and Piotr Szlanta)


Scientific editions:

  • Dylematy. Intelektualna historia reform Leszka Balcerowicza, Więź, Warszawa 2021 (co-ed. and prefaced with J. Luszniewicz and W. Morawski). Wydanie I – 2021, wydanie II uzupełnione – 2022, ebook – 2022.
  • Ekonomia, społeczeństwo, polityka. Studia ofiarowane prof. dr. hab. Januszowi Kalińskiemu w 70. Rocznicę urodzin, ed. by A. Zawistowski, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warszawa 2011, 551 pp.
  • Historia Wydziału i Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Szkoły Głównej Planowania i Statystyki / Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie (1968–2008), ed. by J. Luszniewicz, A. Zawistowski, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warszawa 2008, 450 pp.
  • Stare okręgi przemysłowe. Dylematy industrializacji i dezindustrializacji, ed. by W. Morawski and A. Zawistowski, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warszawa 2008, 395 pp.

Full list of publications: