The President of the Republic of Poland decorates recipients with the Virtus et Fraternitas Medal - Instytut Pileckiego
The President of the Republic of Poland decorates recipients with the Virtus et Fraternitas Medal
The Virtus et Fraternitas Medal has been bestowed for the first time in history in June 2019. The awards were given by the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, acting on a motion of the Pilecki Institute.
The Virtus et Fraternitas Medal has been bestowed for the first time in history. The awards were given by the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, acting on a motion of the Pilecki Institute. This unique decoration is an expression of gratitude of the Polish State to those who during the Second World War and, more generally, during the period of totalitarianism, gave aid and succor – in many instances life-saving – to Polish citizens. The Institute recommended 14 persons from various countries for the award. An official Gala was held on 19 June at the Teatr Polski in Warsaw with the participation of the Polish President, Andrzej Duda.

The event gathered many guests, among them the two living awardees, their families and those of the twelve posthumous recipients, and numerous of those who had been saved. During the ceremony we also presented short films outlining the life stories of the 14 nominees.
- The Virtus et Fraternitas Medal is a “special award granted for displaying nobleness of character, fraternity, and goodness of heart, but first and foremost for exceptionally humane conduct, for outstanding humanism, shown in times of great difficulty – stated President Andrzej Duda during his speech – and also later, for remaining steadfast and loyal in memory in times when remembrance was neither recommended nor liked ... Today, ladies and gentlemen, acting on behalf of our Republic I can express our immense gratitude by the award of these medals. For myself – and this I would like to stress – it is a singular honor to be able to present these decorations to such wonderful persons and families, as a symbol of tribute and appreciation – continued the President.
See also
- We know the names of the Virtus et Fraternitas Medal recipients | 2024
We know the names of the Virtus et Fraternitas Medal recipients | 2024
On 17 December 2024, the Virtus et Fraternitas Medal ceremony was held for the sixth time at the Belweder Palace in Warsaw. The award was given to 10 people from the following countries: Austria, Norway, Slovakia and Hungary.
- Virtus et Fraternitas Medals awarded | Discover the stories of heroic Ukrainians who saved their Polish neighbors during the Volhynian Massacre
Virtus et Fraternitas Medals awarded | Discover the stories of heroic Ukrainians who saved their Polish neighbors during the Volhynian Massacre
On 6 July 2023, at the Belweder Palace in Warsaw, fifteen heroic Ukrainians were commemorated for saving their Polish neighbors from death at the hands of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (faction of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists) during the Volhynia Massacre.
- We now know the names of the Virtus et Fraternitas Medal recipients
We now know the names of the Virtus et Fraternitas Medal recipients
On 20 December 2022, at the Belweder Palace in Warsaw, we honored Ilona Andrássy, Trofim Daneliuk and the Skakalski family, who demonstrated courage and solidarity with the persecuted when Poland was attacked by two murderous regimes, and the Polish citizens were in grave danger.
- Virtus et Franternitas Medals presented
Virtus et Franternitas Medals presented
The third edition of the Virtus et Fraternitas Medal Gala took place on 15 June 2022. This time, at the request of the Director of the Pilecki Institute, the President of the Republic of Poland bestowed medals on a total of 23 people.
- The Virtus et Fraternitas Gala 2021. Meet all the recipients!
The Virtus et Fraternitas Gala 2021. Meet all the recipients!
The President of Poland Andrzej Duda awarded the medals to foreigners who provided aid to Polish citizens during the 20th century, in times of both war and peace.
- Walenty Jabłoński, doctor and an exile in Siberia, is dead
Walenty Jabłoński, doctor and an exile in Siberia, is dead
We are sad to learn of the death of Walenty Jabłoński, an exile in Siberia, participant of the Union of Siberian Exiles in Białystok. He was deported to a kolkhoz in Kazakhstan in 1952, where he was saved from starvation and death by Tassybaj Abdikarimow.
- Virtus et Fraternitas Medal
Virtus et Fraternitas Medal
The Virtus et Fraternitas Medal is a token of gratitude of the Republic of Poland for rescuing its citizens in times of the country’s greatest distress.