Dominika Uczkiewicz - Instytut Pileckiego

Graduate of law from the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics at the University of Wrocław, as well as of a doctoral seminar at the Willly Brandt Center for German and European Studies at the University of Wrocław. Her research interests include the settlement of war crimes, legal history, international criminal law, and transitional justice. She is currently employed as an Adjunct at the Pilecki Institute’s Center for Totalitarian Studies, where she works on a project entitled Polish Lawyers’ Contribution to the Work of the United Nations War Crimes Commission and serves as a deputy to the principal investigator in the research project “(Un)tried Crimes. The Approach of the Law Enforcement Agencies and the Judiciary of the Federal Republic of Germany to German Crimes in Poland (1939–1945)”, project number NPRH/F/SN/0038/2024/13.
Chief publications:
- P. Grzebyk, D. Uczkiewicz (eds.) The Russian-Ukrainian War. Challenges to the Documentation and to the Prosecution of International Crimes (Routledge 2025)
- D. Uczkiewicz, Problem odpowiedzialności karnej za zbrodnie wojenne w pracach rządu polskiego na emigracji 1939–1945 (Warszawa 2022). In 2023, she obtained a grant for the translation (into English) and publication of the book under the “Excellent Science” Program of the Minister of Science (MONOG/SN/0019/2023/01)
- W. Form, D. Uczkiewicz (eds.) Polish and German Perspectives on Transitional Justice. World War Two and Its Aftermath (Wrocław 2021).