Anna Ciałowicz - Instytut Pileckiego

Anna Ciałowicz – ethnologist, editor, translator. She completed her Master’s Degree at the Institute of Ethnology at the Jagiellonian University. She participated in Yiddish language and culture courses organized by the Oxford Institute for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies, Oxford Institute for Yiddish Studies, Vilnius University, among others. Author of the book "Wojny chasydów arcyciekawe. Nowy Sącz – Sadogóra 1868–1869" (Warsaw 2010). Translator of Yiddish literature, including "Cadykowy dwór niegdyś w Polsce" by Ita Kalish (Warsaw 2009). Author of the translation and compilation (within the framework of the full edition of the Ringelblum Archive, a project carried out at the Jewish Historical Institute) of a volume of writings from the Warsaw Ghetto by Rabbi Shimon Huberband. Writer and director of documentaries “Tora i miecz”, “Spragnieni księżyca”. Her book "Moja żydowska Warszawa. Antologia tekstów" was published in 2016.