Agnieszka Witkowska-Krych - Instytut Pileckiego

Doctor of Cultural Studies and Religion, a Hebraist and sociologist. She graduated from the College of Interdepartmental Individual Studies in the Humanities at the University of Warsaw, and Collegium Civitas in Warsaw. Her doctorate (which she defended in January 2021) is devoted to the fate of orphaned children who resided in the Warsaw Ghetto. For many years, she worked at the “Korczakianum” – a research center of the Museum of Warsaw. Agnieszka Witkowska-Krych has published a number of scholarly articles on the history and culture of Polish Jews. She is the author of the book Mniej strachu. Ostatnie chwile z Januszem Korczakiem, which was published in 2019 and received the KLIO prize for best historical book. Her latest work, based on her doctoral dissertation, is entitled Dziecko wobec Zagłady. Opieka nad sierotami w getcie warszawskim and was printed in 2022. It received numerous awards, among others the Witold Pilecki International Book Award.