Pilecki Institute Short-Term Research Grant 2019 - Instytut Pileckiego

Pilecki Institute Short-Term Research Grant 2019

The Pilecki Institute Short-Term Research Grant is tailored specifically for MA and PhD students seeking an opportunity to carry out research in Poland aimed towards completing their dissertations.

The Pilecki Institute is a research institution based in Warsaw, Poland. It takes its name after Witold Pilecki (1901-1948) – a World-War-II Polish intelligence agent and an officer with the Home Army, the only-known volunteer to the death and concentration camp in Auschwitz who reported on German crimes and genocide to the Allies, and who after the war became a victim of the communist regime and was executed in 1948.

The Institute examines the 20th-century history with special focus on totalitarian ideologies and their implementation in Poland and other Central European countries. The Institute’s mission is to reinvigorate and internationalize studies on the German and Soviet occupation of the Polish lands by initiating interdisciplinary research projects, scholarship and grant programs aimed at early-stage, junior and senior scholars.


The Pilecki Institute Short-Term Research Grant is tailored specifically for MA and PhD students seeking an opportunity to carry out research in Poland aimed towards completing their dissertations. All students across the humanities and social sciences are encouraged to apply. However, preference will be given to projects in some way connected to Polish studies as broadly understood and related to the following research areas:

  • The German and Soviet Occupations of Central Europe.
  • Personal Experience of War and Totalitarianism.
  • Totalitarian Systems and Ideologies in the 20th Century.
  • Enslaved Societies – Resistance and the Strategies of Survival. 


Grant holders will be invited to spend at least one month in Poland and will receive a single allowance of USD 2,000. Grant recipients will be expected to participate in the Institute’s intellectual life and to present their research project in a seminar at the Institute.

The period of research in Poland must begin before the end of 2019.


A successful candidate for the grant will:

  • be enrolled in an MA or PhD program at an academic institution outside Poland;
  • carry out a research project as described above


Candidates shall submit their applications to the following email address: scholarships@instytutpileckiego.pl. The complete application should contain:

  • an academic curriculum vitaea.
  • concise research project description, including research questions, the aims of the project and the expected results (up to 1800 characters with spaces).
  • a schedule for the research work in Poland, explaining why it is essential for the project and including a list of archives or other institutions to be consulted.
  • a letter of recommendation from the applicant's academic supervisor.
  • a Personal data Protection statement (view the attached file).

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

All documents must be submitted as PDF files.

Applications will be reviewed by a board of experts appointed by the Institute. The reviewing procedure will take place between June 15 and August 31, 2019. Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis and candidates will be notified individually once the decision is made (no later than 30 days after the submission).

DEADLINE: Standing offer until August 31, 2019.

For further inquiry, please contact Ms Emilia Dziewiecka: e.dziewiecka@instytutpileckiego.pl.

See also