2023 | Agnieszka Witkowska-Krych, "Dziecko wobec Zagłady. Instytucjonalna opieka nad sierotami w getcie warszawskim" - Instytut Pileckiego

2023 | Agnieszka Witkowska-Krych, "Dziecko wobec Zagłady. Instytucjonalna opieka nad sierotami w getcie warszawskim"

Agnieszka Witkowska-Krych’s book "Dziecko wobec Zagłady. Instytucjonalna opieka nad sierotami w getcie warszawskim" was awarded the Witold Pilecki International Book Award for the “best academic historical book” of 2023.

Agnieszka Witkowska-Krych, Dziecko wobec Zagłady. Instytucjonalna opieka nad sierotami w getcie warszawskim, Żydowski Instytut Historyczny

In the Warsaw Ghetto, there were about 30 orphanages and dormitories apart from the Orphans’ Home ran by Janusz Korczak and Stefania Wilczyńska. The lives of these children and their caregivers in the closed-off district form the subject of the book by Agnieszka Witkowska-Krych, who is the first to give an exhaustive description of this topic, thus contributing to our knowledge about the tragic fates of Warsaw’s Jews.

Agnieszka Witkowska-Krych

Agnieszka Witkowska-Krych works at the Jewish Historical Institute and the Institute of Polish Culture at the University of Warsaw. Her research focuses on the history and culture of Warsaw’s Jews.

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