Michał Bronowicki - Instytut Pileckiego

Michał Bronowicki, graduate of the Department of Historical and Social Sciences at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, historian, archivist, museologist, Sovietologist, researcher and documentalist, a long-time employee in the Eastern Archives at the KARTA Center and the History Meeting House; editor and author of several dozen academic and popular-academic articles in i.a. the quarterly publications “Karta”, Zesłaniec”, “Kresowe Stanice”, in the yearbook “Wrocławskie Studia Wschodnie” and in foreign publishing houses; the co-creator of the Kresy-Siberia Virtual Museum and many exhibitions dedicated to the fates of Poles in the East, social activist for communities in the eastern borderlands with the Association of Families of Military and Civilian Settlers in the Eastern Borderlands [Stowarzyszenie Rodzin Osadników Wojskowych i Cywilnych Kresów Wschodnich]; enjoys social history, the history of lands formerly part of the Republic of Poland, and the history of Siberia; currently the coordinator of the Archive of Oral History and curator of the permanent exhibition at the Museum of Józef Piłsudski in Sulejówek.