Anna Ambrochowicz-Gajownik - Instytut Pileckiego

Anna Ambrochowicz-Gajownik, doctor of history. Graduate of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. In the years 2010–2011 she completed her postgraduate studies in library sciences at the University of Warsaw. The author of the academic monograph W cieniu Lazurowego Wybrzeża. Konsulat polski w Marsylii w latach 1919–1940 (Warszawa 2019) and several academic publications in magazines and collective works. The holder of a scholarship from the Lanckoroński Foundation in London (2012, 2017) and of the Jan and Suzanne Brzękowski Scholarship from Paris (2014). In 2019–2021, she received a scholarship for the project Polityka Rządu RP na uchodźstwie wobec mniejszości narodowych w latach 1939–1945 organized by the Witold Pilecki Institute of Solidarity and Valor. Since October 2019, she has been a member of the World Council for Research on the Polish Diaspora [Światowa Rada Badań nad Polonią]. She worked with the library of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn until 2018 (including in the Special Collections Department, Didactic Collections, Academic Information Department). Her research is focused on the history of diplomacy in the 20th Century and Polish-French relations; the history of Polish emigration to France and its overseas possessions in the interwar period; economic relations and the consular service of the Second Polish Republic. Additionally, she also carries out biographical research (Roman Wegnerowicz, Stanisław Kara).