Tools and Objectives of Genocidal Social Engineering. Man and the State in the Face of Totalitarianism - Instytut Pileckiego


03.12.2020 (Thu) 09:30

Tools and Objectives of Genocidal Social Engineering. Man and the State in the Face of Totalitarianism

We would like to invite you to participate in the international scientific conference organized by the Pilecki Institute, which will be held as part of the "Lemkin 2018-2023" project.

The term genocide continues to spark debate and even controversy as to its applicability to the mass crimes committed among others during World War II. Starting from the Polish experience of facing two totalitarian regimes in the 20th century – including the Stalinist regime, which is especially important from the point of view of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe – we seek and encourage various perspectives on genocide studies and their juxtaposition.

The unprecedented scale of the murders committed against civilian populations during World War II had its source in totalitarian ideologies. The organizers of the next international conference planned by the Pilecki Institute have as their objective to shed more light on the nature of these crimes, with a focus on the German industry of death and the highly-organized and deliberate Soviet system of opression and extermination. Further, our meeting will be an occasion for researchers to engage in a scholarly reflection on the approaches and actions of individuals, and on the functioning of organizations and state structures under occupation. This year, we intend to focus on an analysis of case studies which were developed on the basis of individual research and illustrate the research theses formulated by participants of the conference.

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